Tag Archives: cooper

Don’t Call It A Comeback…Yet!

Well, here we are again. The beginning of the closing of another year. A year older and hopefully a year wiser, right? I sure hope so. It’s been since February since I’ve blogged, since I’ve written anything, really. Apart from Facebook posts, a few tweets and some snarky emails, my creativity level has been at […]

Questions for Tomorrow

There have been more than a few memes making its rounds that asks the reader if they could send a letter to their past selves, what would they say? There’s even a book of letters from published authors, actors, and musicians to their teenage selves. This idea is meant to inspire those who are struggling now […]

I’m (Not) Okay

Where I live, the typical greeting upon seeing someone you know is to ask about their general well-being? The question is almost automatic and is often answered with the same or similar question. Man From Accounting: “Hi, how’s it going?” Woman From HR: “Well, hello. How’ve you been?” Many other English speaking places around the […]

Learning Through Regret

“No space of regret can make amends for one life’s opportunity misused.” – Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol This is the time of year when we begin to think back upon the past twelve months and take stock of where we are today. Some will resolve to make personal changes in their lives on New Year’s Day. […]

Man of Steel

Having begun the slow process of taking inventory of David’s things, from his clothing to his toys, we stumbled across his song book. Apparently, David had been writing songs. One, in which, was titled “Beautiful” and it was supposed to be a Christmas present for one of his friends. He didn’t get any further than […]

And David Danced Before The Lord

Just a few days shy of one month since David began his new journey, each of us has begun the grieving process in our own way. While some have busied themselves with tasks and to do lists, I have been doing a lot of reading. It’s not surprising to me, really. I read when I’m […]


It’s been over two weeks since we last saw David. He was leaving for school and my wife and I were preparing to fly to Maryland for the weekend. He hugged and kissed my wife goodbye and gave me wave; too big to hug and kiss his ol’ dad. My wife playfully demanded that he […]

Look for the Helpers

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me,‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” — Mister Rogers This quotation has been making its rounds on the internet recently and I’ve seen its reality first hand. It’s been thirteen days […]

I used to be a runner…

Wait…wait…wait! What kind of title is that, huh? I’m still a runner. I just haven’t been running. You know, since the knee surgery, since the kids were born, and the job with long days and late nights. And then came the kid’s sports, theater, gymnastics, wrestling meets, soccer and basketball games. Well, look at me […]

Grassroots for Netroots 2013

In a recent post, I introduced my friend, Jenn Studebaker, and briefly told her story and implored everyone who came across my blog to take some time to learn more about her and to vote for her in a scholarship competition. The competition, sponsored by Democracy For America (DFA), would send the top five applicants […]

To Know Her

Daydream Believer

Radiate Food Vibes

plant-forward food | good vibes | all eaters welcome

They're Only Words...

...but you should use them properly!

Greenwich Lane

Sharing our love affair with food and life

Ronin Sherpa

Just another WordPress.com weblog

Project Shine

Endurance | Adventure | Healing


Writing Steampunk Fiction


My life - my Opinions

Niamh Clune

Environment, poetry, comment, children's books,